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Navigating the investing world can be a daunting task, especially for those who are just starting out. Among the myriad of investing approaches, two broad strategies often dominate the conversation: passive investing, including index investing, and active investing. While both strategies have their own merits, today we’ll focus on the advantages of an actively managed investment strategy. This is the approach we, at Harmer Wealth Management, firmly believe in and specialize in.

Active vs. Passive Investing: A Brief Overview:

Passive investing involves mimicking the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500. This strategy requires little management and thus typically has lower fees. However, the returns are directly tied to the performance of the market. On the other hand, active investing involves a hands-on approach, where professional managers make strategic decisions with the goal of outperforming the market.

Downside Protection:

In the realm of investing, one of the most significant advantages of active management is downside protection. In passive investing, if the market declines, your investment follows. However, active management allows for strategic adaptations according to market conditions. During a downturn, active managers can reduce exposure to falling sectors or stocks, thereby protecting your investment from experiencing the full impact of the downturn.

Portfolio Alpha:

The term “alpha” might sound intimidating, but it’s essentially the extra return an investment or a portfolio provides over its benchmark or the market in general. Active managers strive to generate this alpha, or to beat the market. By leveraging their expertise, research, and analytical skills, they aim to identify investment opportunities and market trends before others do. This proactive approach can lead to higher returns compared to a passive strategy, which simply aims to match market returns.


Active management also offers the advantage of diversification. Passive funds usually invest in a predefined list of stocks or bonds, whereas active funds have the freedom to invest in a wider array of assets. This allows active managers to spread investments across different sectors, asset classes, and even geographic locations. Diversification is a risk management strategy that can help mitigate significant losses if a particular sector or asset class performs poorly.

Fees and Value:

It’s important to note that actively managed funds often come with higher fees than their passive counterparts. These fees cover the cost of the research, analysis, and professional expertise that active managers provide. However, the potential for higher returns and the protective measures during downturns can more than offset these costs. In essence, the benefits and value generated through active management can outweigh the associated fees, making it a worthwhile investment.

Why Choose Harmer Wealth Management?

At Harmer Wealth Management, we believe in the power of active management. We collaborate with our partners at banks and investment firms to craft a bespoke, actively managed strategy for your funds. Our commitment is not just about achieving returns, but also about understanding your financial goals, your risk tolerance, and your aspirations for the future.

Each investor is unique, and so a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. With our active management strategy, we tailor our services to your needs, adapting to market changes and always striving to protect and grow your investments.

If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of an actively managed investment strategy, we invite you to book a consultation with us at Harmer Wealth Management. Let’s discuss how these strategies can best align with your financial goals and set you on a path towards a prosperous future.