1.800.723.2138 [email protected]

Purchasing? Let us do the heavy lifting for you.



This changing market is giving us a whole new normal to navigate with a stress test that isn’t just affecting first time home buyers, but everybody looking for a mortgage. It’s harder than ever to own, so we get why you’re so frustrated.


We’re the financial partner you need to guide you from pre-approval into the options of getting a mortgage on your next property, whether it’s still under construction or already existing. We’re mortgage experts that know all about the new regulations and can do the heavy lifting for you. You can trust us to bring you from confusion to clarity as we find a custom option for you.


  1. Send us your details in the form so we can get in touch. Couldn’t be bothered with a form? Don’t worry.
  2. Call us at: 1.800.723.2138 Email: [email protected]
  3. We’ll get back to you within an hour so we can get started.
  4. Move into a place even mom and dad would be happy with.

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Our Dealer & Brokerage

Mutual Fund Representative

Mutual funds products are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc. Insurance Products offered through Achievex Financial. | Mortgages Products offered through Pilrock Mortgages. Pilrock Mortgages Ltd. Lic.12707 | Chad Harmer Lic. M19000975 | 9015 Mosport Road, Clarington, Ontario, L0B1M0 (By Appointment Only)